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My Starwood Preferred Guest American Express Application

A black and white image of a hand giving a thumbs-up gesture against a plain background. The person is wearing a long-sleeved shirt.

I applied for the Starwood Preferred Guest American Express in order to earn the all-time high sign-up bonus of 35,000 Starpoints!

Starwood 35K Bonus
35,000 Starpoints! ALL-TIME HIGH OFFER!

I filled out the application, pressed send, and held my breath… and as I expected:

DW SPG Pending - AYP
A pending decision… calling the Reconsideration Line!

My application went into a pending status! While I would have much preferred instant approval, I knew that I could make a quick call to the American Express Reconsideration Line in order to push that Pending Decision into an Approval!

I dialed them up and was connected to a very friendly fellow (a friendly voice tone is a great sign!) I explained to him that I received a pending decision on my Starwood Preferred Guest Amex application and he acknowledged that he saw the application in the pending status, then asked to put me on hold for further review…

He came back on the line a few minutes later and explained that I would hear be provided a decision in the next 14 days…

I wasn’t very satisfied with that answer so I decided to give it one more nudge, explaining that “I really don’t understand why the application was put to a pending decision, rather than instantly approved? I know my credit score is excellent and am just a bit confused?”

The representative then asked me to hold once again, and then came back shortly with good news! He was able to process the application and I was approved for the Starwood Preferred Guest American Express Credit card! Another win for the Reconsideration Line!

SPG Approved - AYP Post
I visited americanexpress.com/applicationstatus for confirmation of the approval!

While the process could have been easier (via an instant approval), I am ultimately happy with the outcome and am eager to receive my card, meet the minimum spend (of $3,000 in the first 3 months) and then get to spending my Starpoints, as I have already planned ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Florence - AYP
St. Regis Florence anyone?

There is no telling when this offer will ever come around again, so if you have been eyeing the Starwood Preferred Guest American Express (like I had!), then make sure to apply before the all-time high offer ends tomorrow March 30, 2016! Send any questions to accountingyourpoints@yahoo.com

Will you be taking advantage of this all-time high sign-up bonus?

Happy Travels!


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